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Packing Medicine

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  • Packing Medicine

    How do you pack your medicine - prescription and non prescription including vitamins for a week or two week timeshare stay when you fly and when you drive?

  • #2
    I put them in my weekly pill boxes (rx and vitamins together). Probably not the correct way, but I have never had a problem and it takes the least amount of room. If I were ever to be on any type of rx narcotic, I would definitely carry those in their original container showing my name, doctor, etc.


    • #3
      Greg has so many, it's a good chunk of an overnight type bag. Always in their original bottles and he has a list from his doctor.

      We've never been hassled when flying, but once were asked about them in a check driving across the border. That's what prompted the letter and attached list from his specialist.


      • #4
        In the original packaging in my carry on.


        • #5
          two separate bags now

          We always carry ours in the original container, and have never had a problem flying, even for prescription narcotics. However, I did have a problem last year when I was driving across the border into Canada without my wife.

          She had left her prescriptions in our travel medicine bag, and she wasn't with me (we didn't even think take them out after our last timeshare trip the week before). They kept asking where she was -- since I had her prescriptions in the bag. It wasn't that much of a problem once I explained to them what had happened; but it could have gone down hill quickly.

          Somehow I sensed that they were actually interested in where she was, and not in the prescriptions. So, now she has her small medicine bag and I have mine.

